What to Know Before You Order Custom Apparel in Bulk

September 9, 2021 studiob2

Last Updated on September 9, 2021 by studiob2

The substantial savings you get when you place a bulk order is a huge draw, and what business doesn’t like to save money? Ordering in bulk allows you to allocate dollars elsewhere, like your marketing budget. To get the most out of your savings, it’s important to keep a few things in mind when it comes to ordering your apparel. Here’s what to know before you order custom apparel in bulk.

Set Your Budget

Before you begin the process, have a budget in mind. This helps you make decisions about color, printing options, and numbers to order. 

Understand the Costs of Color

The more colors used in the design, often, the higher the cost. Take this into account to prevent overspending on your budget. When printing your name and logo on a t-shirt, it may be more cost effective to choose black and white rather than a full-color logo. The same goes for t-shirt costs as well. Often, choosing plain white apparel is more cost effective than other colors. When it comes to staying within your budget, these are important things to keep in mind. Be sure to ask questions.

Get The Right Sizes

If you’re ordering for a large number of specific people, get their sizes ahead of time. It’ll take the guesswork out of size ordering and save you money. For bulk orders where you can’t get sizes in advance, there’s a general rule of thumb to follow. This ratio is tried and true for general orders:

  •  Small – 1
  • Medium – 2
  • Large – 2
  • X-Large – 1
  • 2X-Large – 0.5

Keep the specific demographics of your group in mind. For example, if you’re selling shirts to jockeys on pro athletes, this ratio suggestion likely wouldn’t hold true. Once you get your apparel, keep track of which sizes are most popular. That way, when it’s time to re-order, you have a more accurate idea on to adjust your order.

Select an Apparel Vendor That Specializes in Bulk

You’ll get your best prices if you choose a vendor that specializes in bulk orders. Vendors that specialize in higher volumes often get better pricing themselves and pass some of the savings on to you.

Don’t Be Surprised by Shipping Costs

Be sure to factor in the cost of shipping and handling (S & H) for your bulk order. When comparison shopping, don’t forget to take S & H costs into account. Often, you’ll see low advertised prices per piece to draw you in but a sneaky large shipping and handling fee, which may cost you more in the long run.

For Exceptionally Well-Designed, Affordable Custom Apparel Turn to Studio B2

Professional design makes all the difference when it comes to custom apparel. Talk to the pros at Studio B2 about a custom design for professional quality that puts your business in the spotlight. 

Ready to strategize about your bulk apparel order? Whether you have a design in place or would like our team to create something amazing for you, contact us today at 954-854-6148 for a free consultation!