Are You Using 2021’s COTYs in Your Graphic Designs? You Should Be!

September 29, 2021
September 29, 2021 studiob2

Last Updated on September 30, 2021 by studiob2

Are You Using 2021’s Colors of the Year in Your Graphic Designs? You Should Be!

Be on trend. This year Pantone chose not one color of the year, but two! Pantone’s 2021 colors of the year are quite a pair. A sunny yellow called Illuminating (Pantone #F5DF4D) and a gentle, yet bold grey called ultimate grey (#939597) are ready to be incorporated into your graphic designs. In a few months, Pantone will be announcing new colors, but it’s not too late to capitalize on these trending colors.

Are you using them yet in your marketing material to help with print and web marketing, inspiring your target audience to interact, click your links, and shop? You should be, since color is, afterall, the heart of design! Here’s why you should use these colors to help give sales a boost.

These Colors Work Well With Others

Ultimate grey and illuminating work well with a variety of other colors to add richness to your graphic designs this year. They partner with pastels for a softer look. Add depth and richness by combining this pair with warm jewel tones. Combine them with darker shades reminiscent of the Fall and Winter seasons.

Highlight Current Promotions and Posts With COTY Colors in Your Graphic Designs

Using the 2021 colors of the year helps promotions and posts stand out as current. Use them in your graphic design for promotions. Give a pop of trendy color to your social media posts and calls to action. Illuminating is eye-catching, so choose it for attention grabbing elements, with ultimate grey as the perfect foundation to enhance it.

Pantones New Palettes

Which colors go best with ultimate grey and illuminating? Check out Pantones five suggested palettes.

  • The Aviary Palette – features bright and cheery colors that go well with ultimate grey and illuminating. Bold blues called skydiver, peacock blue, fruit dove, and cloud dancer are included in this palette.
  • The Enlightenment Palette – futuristic and aspires to spark imagination! The color, lead crystal, offers a metallic option. You’ll also find lavender, prism pink, and placid blue.
  • The Sun and Shadow Palette – adds a warm sense of nature with earthy tones like blue night, wild ginger, oil green, and shadow green.
  • The Intrigue Palette – offers that hint of mystery with colors spice route, willow herb, iris bloom, and fennel seed.
  • The Orbital Palette – these metallics shimmer inspiring thoughts of the future. 

Get More From Your Graphic Designs With the Experts at Studio B2

The professionals at Studio B2 take your designs up to the next level, so you’ll inspire your audience to discover your products or business and keep coming back, knowing you stay up-to-date with the latest, not only in the colors you choose but in the products and services you offer as well.

Let us help you stand out from the rest using our knowledge of graphic design and current color trends to boost the appearance of your promotional print designs, logos, signage, postcards, and other marketing material. Call us today at 954-854-6148.