What Are the Differences Between RGB and CMYK in Digital Design in Fort Lauderdale?

June 10, 2021
June 10, 2021 studiob2

Last Updated on June 10, 2021 by studiob2

Wondering how to maintain color consistency in your graphic or logo across all marketing mediums? It can be challenging if you don’t know exactly what you’re doing. It’s frustrating working on different platforms when you want brand consistency, but the colors just are matching up. This struggle is real, especially since about 85% of shoppers choose products based on color. Here’s what you need to know about RGB and CMYK in digital design in Fort Lauderdale.

What Is RGB and CMYK?

These are color modes, and you’ll choose one or the other based on the marketing medium whether it’s print or online. Choosing the right mode is key to getting consistent color for your brand. RGB stands for red, green, blue and CMYK for cyan, magenta, yellow, and black. 

What Is a Color Mode?

A color mode is how technology interprets color. And the resulting colors in your marketing materials will look different to the eye based on which mode is used. It’s very important to use the right mode for the material so colors are consistent.

When Is RGB Used in Digital Design in Fort Lauderdale?

For marketing on-screen, RGB is the mode to use. Whether it’s a logo, pictures, button, designers use varying saturations and combinations of red, green, and black to get just the right effect for on-screen viewing.

When Is CMYK Used?

Any images that are printed need to be in CMYK, so the colors are accurate representations of your logo and more. For printing purposes, colors are produced by blending cyan, magenta, yellow, and black in varying brightnesses and saturations.

What File Types Are Used by Each?

A professional in digital design in Fort Lauderdale knows which file type works best for the specific use of the graphic. Each file type has its unique uses and benefits in the right situation. RGB file types include JPeg, PSD (Adobe Photoshop), PNG, and GIF. CMYK file types include PDF, AI (Adobe Illustrator), and EPS. Avoid time consuming and potentially costly errors by hiring a professional designer.

Get Consistency For Your Brand With Digital Design in Fort Lauderdale From the Color Experts at Studio B2.

Choose our professionals to ensure the right color mode and file format for each and every aspect of your print or screen images. Our designers at Studio B2 know that consistency is key to presenting your brand, and we’ve got the experience you need to create amazing print and digital images. Contact us today at 954-854-6148 to learn more about how we can help you improve your brand image and identity through sensational design