What Is Postcard Marketing? Is It Effective?

July 28, 2022
July 28, 2022 studiob2

Last Updated on July 28, 2022 by studiob2

While you might think postcard marketing is somewhat old school, you might be surprised to learn that almost 90% of consumers actually take the time to read their mail. That’s an impressive number! What is postcard marketing exactly? Does it really work for businesses? Will it work for yours? Here’s the scoop!

What Is Postcard Marketing Exactly?

The concept of postcard marketing is really simple. It’s a form of direct mail meant to reach your target audience. It is inexpensive, offers flexibility, and is easily trackable.

Postcard Marketing Can Be More Effective Than Email Marketing

How many times have you found yourself scrolling through email and deleting promotional emails without even bothering to read or even open them? Everybody does it because nobody appreciates electronic clutter! Don’t let your business be a victim of the delete button.

With postcard marketing, you can bet your postcard will be seen 100% of the time because everyone goes through their paper mail. Another added bonus? Postal workers sort mail, and they’ll see your postcards too. This is an opportunity to reach even more potential customers. This also holds true for anyone who happens to glance at your postcard. 

Do you want to target entire neighborhoods, zones, or zip codes? That’s called geo-targeting, and it’s something that can easily be done with postcards. Not so much with email.

Yes, postcard / direct mail marketing is proven to work, and there’s no reason why it won’t work for your business when done creatively with your specific needs in mind.

What Other Benefits Are Possible With Postcard Marketing?

Humans are, in general, drawn to bite-sized bits of information as opposed to reading long drawn-out text. It’s just a fact that consumers prefer easily readable content. Your postcard can be created as a visually pleasing attention grabber.

You’ve had thousands of visitors to your website, but did you notice an actual increase in your business? Where did all the people go? There is a process called retargeting. If you’ve gained but then lost website visitors, why not send them a postcard to pull them back in and get them interested again?

If you truly want to connect with your customers, try personalizing their postcards. Personalization is more likely to engage their interest for a long period of time. Let’s face it, a personalized postcard is certainly friendlier than online interaction.

Need Help With Your Direct Mail Marketing Campaign? Contact Studio B2 for All Your Graphic Design & Printing Needs!

Whether you’d like to reclaim lost visitors from your website or share a new business service, the professional creative minds at Studio B2 can help.

Now that you have an answer to your question, “What is postcard marketing,” why not book your consultation? Contact us at 954-854-6148 so we can get started on your eye-catching postcard marketing campaign today!