Portrait Photography in Wellington: 8 Tips for Photographers to Find the Best Location

July 31, 2022 studiob2

Last Updated on July 31, 2022 by studiob2

What sets your business apart from others is the quality of your images – not just in terms of effective lighting and poses but the background. That’s why knowing how to choose the right location for portrait photography in Wellington is key. Here’s how to choose where you’d like to have your professional photographer capture beautiful images.

1. Look and Feel

Before choosing any location, you should ask your client for input. Not only ask them about locations they have in mind but also the feeling they want to project. Portrait photography should evoke a positive emotion. Once, you’ve discussed these things with your client, scout your locations. 

2. Open Shade

Sunlight is great, but it can wreak havoc on pics. Unwanted shadows and squinting don’t make for good photos. When possible, schedule portrait photography on an overcast day. Or, because weather can be unpredictable, choose a location with available shade. 

3. Geometric Shapes

The human brain is drawn to order, and we like things to fit together nicely. When choosing your portrait photography location, look for geometric shapes and approach photography like a fantastic puzzle you’re putting together. Some great elements to look for are circles, squares, rectangles, and triangles. 

4. Depth

The best location is one that has layers. Portrait photography in Wellington should have depth and a three-dimensional feel. You should look for a location that has a strong foreground, midground, and background. 

5. Leading Lines

You want to pull your viewer into the scene, and the best way to do that is with leading lines. Some great examples of this in portrait photography are fences, walking paths, train tracks, and hand railings. 

6. Bokeh

Bokeh is the smooth blur of a background and, when done correctly, it can make for stunning portrait photography. Backlit leaves can make for beautiful bokeh! 

7. Textures

There are certain textures that can make your subject really stand out and add a layer of depth. Things like rocks, barn doors, and walls that have peeling paint provide an incredibly interesting texture to portrait photography. 

8. Trees

Trees are quite popular in portrait photography. In fact, nature itself in any form can bring a special element to your portrait! However, including trees in your location will provide you with leading lines, an opportunity for bokeh, and added depth.

Choose Student B2 for Your Portrait Photography in Wellington! 

Our photography experts are on hand to consult with you and help you evoke exactly the response you want your clients to feel. Contact us at 954-854-6148 or request your consultation with one of our professional photographers, and let’s get started!