What to Look for in Custom ADA Signs to Ensure Compliance

May 11, 2021 studiob2

Last Updated on September 9, 2021 by studiob2

Custom signs allow you to take advantage of promoting your brand while at the same time being compliant with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). It’s important to make sure your signage follows the strict guidelines set by the ADA. Here’s what to look for when ordering custom ADA signs to ensure compliance.

Signs Need to Have the Right Colors and Finish

To make signs more readable for the visually impaired, the ADA sets guidelines for colors and finishes on accessible signs. The sign background and the lettering need to be created with contrasting colors. Also, a matte finish is required, so there is no glare. This helps make your custom sign easier to read for those who are visually impaired.

Pay Attention to Letter Size

Did you know that the letters in your ADA signage must be uppercase only? Minimum letter measurements are ⅝ of an inch to 2 inches.

Letters on Custom ADA Signs Must Be Raised To Be Braille Compliant

When creating signage, letters must not be flush with the sign but instead raised to 1/32 of an inch. Use the raised letters to create the added design benefit of lettering that really stands out by casting a stylish shadow. Also, braille must be offered on the sign, but the braille dots themselves can match the background for a more stylized look.

Use Standard Accessibility Pictograms

ADA guidelines require the use of accessibility pictograms, not words to indicate accessibility. And they must not be changed or restyled. Be sure your signs display the standard images required.

Promote Your Business as an ADA-Accessible Business With Custom Signs From Studio B2

As long as your custom signs follow the guidelines, you should use these required signs to reinforce your brand by adding logos and other branding information. At Studio B2, we create custom ADA signage that meets requirements while showcasing your brand identity and unique style. Contact us today to learn more about custom ADA signs to ensure compliance at 954-854-6148.