What to Wear for Your Professional Headshot Photography Shoot

July 31, 2021 studiob2

Last Updated on August 2, 2021 by studiob2

In today’s competitive online environment, whether you’re a job seeker or maintaining your perfect image as a business professional, your headshot needs to be exceptional. Professional headshots show you’re committed and invested, so before the shoot it’s important to carefully consider the look you want to cultivate. Here are tips for what to wear for your professional headshot photography shoot.

Dress the Part for Professional Headshot Photography

Consider your goals for the headshot, the industry you’re in, and the platforms where it’ll appear. For professionals such as lawyers, investment bankers, and insurance professionals, most choose a conservative, more formal look. Those in creative fields cultivate a trendy, fresh appearance. 

Bring Back Ups

Be prepared for your professional headshot photography shoot by bringing several outfits along as options. Your photographer can help you choose the one that looks best, and it’s often possible to make a change during the shoot so you’ll be able to use the best of the pics.

Avoid Distractions in Your Choices

Busy patterns, shiny materials, and accessories draw the eye and distract from your put together look. Save the plaids and paisleys for another time, and choose solid colors.

Go With Flattering Outfits for Professional Headshot Photography

Your best bets are shirts with sleeves, since they tend to be more flattering but they also make for better composition of the shot. Get help if needed to pick the outfits that fit well. Avoid clothes that are too loose and also clothes that are too tight. 

Wear Something You Love

Go with a color you love, and bring several shades so you’ll get the right one for the shot. Deeper colors tend to look best on camera, while pale colors may appear washed out. 

Consider the Background

A huge factor in choosing the right outfit is considering the background your photographer is using. If you have several outfits, you’ll be able to choose the one that looks best with the background. 

Don’t Pay the Price for Bad Headshots – Establish Yourself as a Trusted Authority With Professional Headshot Photography From Studio B2

Are you ready to capture an image that tells the world you’re a serious go-getter? Don’t trust just anyone with your headshots then, risking bad lighting, lackluster photography skills, or unflattering poses and postures. Book your professional headshot photography shoot with Studio B2! Contact us today at 954-854-6148 for affordable, quality images that enhance your image!